Catch up on the escapades of the Sunshine Coast's most notorious soft toy. Don't let the soft, hand-knitted exterior fool you. This monkey is full of vengeance, hatred and could strangle you with his tail. He also likes Pina Coladas and walks in the rain.
Heck... I'm living my whole life tired.
Published on April 6, 2004 By Theophilus Thistler In Health & Medicine
It happens almost every day. I wake up when I need to or even before I want to and I’m tired. On the way to work I’m yawning. At lunch I want to sleep. I begin to nod off on the way home. About the only time I don’t feel tired is when I’m excited about doing something and I’m distracted by the activity, or the coming inevitability of it, or I am overly tired and I just don’t feel like sleeping any more.

I eat well, I get 7 or 8 hours sleep a night, I exercise regularly and I just can’t figure out what is wrong.

I mean, some time ago, when I had a different lifestyle, that I eventually realised through me being stupid and being in denial that it was also a very destructive lifestyle, I can understand the reasons for me being so tired all the time. But nowadays I just don’t see a reason for it. I try and sleep in, eat better and take care to try and get on top of it but I never seem to be able to.

The worst thing about this is that I feel so stupid and brain-dead half the time, instead of being sharp and ‘on-the-ball’, and there just isn’t any excuse for it. I feel like I’m letting my work colleagues down and my quality of work is suffering and that’s just depressing. If I were doped up on something, at least I would have an excuse. No cold or flu or reactions from related medicines. It sucks big time.

I even steer well away from all drugs because if I get a cold or something and I take anything but vitamin C or Panadol for it, I feel like a space alien floating through the cosmos or some freak jacked up on crazy-juice.

The only times I feel relief from these unforgiving clutches of tiredness is after a nice strong cup of coffee (which is on average less than one per day), when I’m out having fun with friends or sleeping.

I have noticed that a lot of my non-smoking/non-drinking friends also suffer from tiredness a lot but they seem to be leading much busier lives than I do. I don’t even have a full-time job right now.

What the heck is going on with me? I’m not even ever in the frame of mind anymore to turn out even slightly amusing blog entries. S. S. SSSSssss. SSSSSSSS!!

The ‘S’ is for Sucks.

... and sleep.

on Apr 06, 2004
Perhaps you are depressed dear boy. Lethargy is a well documented symptom of depression. Perhaps a personal relationship has been strained recently or your job is unfulfilling. If your woman is the problem then I suggest some swift discipline to bring her back into line!
on Apr 06, 2004
Sleep apnea.....
on Apr 06, 2004
Maybe get a blood test for hypothyroidism....check with your Doc.
on Apr 07, 2004
You crack me up, Sir Peter... and that's just because I have a warped sense of humor. I am not depressed, nor am I having relationship problems, yet my lack of energy is sure contibuting to my 'less-than-chirpy' disposition. I won't ever be physically disciplining any women in the future but I'm sure i'll read about it happening somewhere

sgsmitty64: I did a little research on Sleep Apnea and it sounds like I may have something like that, although I can't be sure until I see a doctor of course.

debidol: Probably less likely that I have this, compared to sleep apnea, but I still should see my Doc.

Thanks heaps everyone for you input!
on Apr 07, 2004
I'm tired a lot too, and I don't do a whole lot. I've written it off as being a teen. I don't think you're a teen though, so.....hmmmm....

on Apr 08, 2004
Yup, your description sounded just like it. I know, as I went through it as well.
on Apr 15, 2004
Hi i just wanted to say reading your blog was like looking into a mirror. I have all those symptoms. I am tired all the time, and yawn madly whenever i am in a lecture or class. I wake up feeling unrefreshed (after sleeping 8 - 10 hours) and generally it takes me a long time for me to get started in the mornings. I eat healthily and do exercise regularly so I don't know what is wrong with me. I have considered chronic fatigue syndrome but that condition is so serious that the person can't even get out of bed half the time, so I have ruled that out as a possibility. I think a trip to the doctor is in order. Let me know what you think.

Also this link might be of interest to you.
on Apr 23, 2004
I just want to say - I like that song!!!!
on Apr 23, 2004
I'm real tired too, but I have an excuse. I have multiple sclerosis.