I had a great day today.
I was trying to sleep for most of the daylight
hours but constant encouraging SMS messages and electricians installing air
conditioners kept waking me up. No matter. It was a great surprise this
afternoon to find that my brother had invited a few friends over for a BBQ
tonight. Not everyone that I wished could attend was able to.. some didn't even
know about it until I found out myself and rang them. Still... the ones that
could come made me feel spesh and gave me some hilarious cards to boot!
I got a few presents like a crazy puzzle toy and a new leather wallet as well
as some cash from my parents to specifically spend on my car when the need
arises. I was hoping for a nice, big, thick and juicy steak with some garlic
potatoes and a few premium and imported beers for dinner and that's exactly what
I got! There were also some chicken kebabs, a few flavoured sausages, a
multitude of salads, a huge pavlova topped with cream and melted chocolate and
caramel fudge to pig out on. I definitely did that!
As Tegan said, "There is nothing for me to be depressed about.... I'm
only 25... There are soooo many more awesome things in store for me..." And
she's right. The crappy part of my life is over. No more wasting time with
useless things like constant partying and dead-end jobs. No more battles with
depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I have so much more to live for.
It's not just me against the world anymore... It's me with my God and my
friends/family, helping each other (and others everywhere) to have a more
enjoyable existence. I think life was just meant to be this way. It just feels
so right.
few photographs from the 25th anniversary celebration of my birth.... (Birthday
On a different tangent for a sec... Now that I'm leaving 'home' again, two
things have happened that I wont be able to take much advantage of. 1)
Today we had the installation of our split-system reverse-cycle air conditioning
completed. It gets damn hot at this house in summer. My primary school also had
air conditioning installed the year that I started high school. 2) My
dial-up internet connection has gone from an abysmal 28.8k-31.2kbps connection
speed up to a fairly decent 50.6kbps. Trust Telstra to upgrade the exchange NOW!
Don't they know it's cruel to tease?
If you can't remember the past, you are condemned to repeat it.
Goodnight! Zzzzzz....