Pondering about myself...
I put this in a comment to someone else's blog just before...
"I'm pretty guilty about second guessing what I should post about and how I should word what I say. Sometimes it's because I don't really want to offend people and other times I think some things I think about are totally uninteresting to others. This is weird to admit because I do blog for myself to analyse my thoughts but I do spend a lot of time thinking about people other than myself. I'm just like that. I also don't want to be misunderstood when I write and if I chop and change what I've written too much, it doesn't really have the same flavour by the end of the article."
It's funny how you know certain things about yourself, but it's not until you write them down or someone tells you they have noticed something about you that it begins to make more sense because you look at yourself from a different perspective. Or something like that anyway.
I know what I mean... I hope you do too.
Today is the second day of the rest of my life!