Catch up on the escapades of the Sunshine Coast's most notorious soft toy. Don't let the soft, hand-knitted exterior fool you. This monkey is full of vengeance, hatred and could strangle you with his tail. He also likes Pina Coladas and walks in the rain.

I came to the fantastic realisation tonight that all of the stuff that has happened to me in the past, whether bad, not so bad, caused by me or not, isn't something I should not be ashamed of. In the end it all works together for good, builds my character and makes me who I am today. Just because I made some stupid choices back whenever doesn't mean I should punish myself for them every time I am reminded of them. I did stuff. I've been forgiven for stuff. I'm a changed man now and that's all that matters.

Doing study on the 40 Days of Purpose series has brought many incredibly helpful things to my attention like this. It's has really helped me relate the Word of God to my life in a very personal way. I am often of the opinion that if I can't do something right or if I don't understand what I am doing, then why bother doing it at all? The more I learn each day from this, the stronger I become in my faith. It's all very refreshing and I'm glad that all this knowledge is finally sinking in to my thick skull.

I have always believed there is a reason for everything that happens in life. I used to think that crap would usually happen to me because I deserved it or I was a bad person. This probably isn't the case. My life has been the way it has been to prepare me for something much bigger that will come along at some stage. I'm not sure what it is or when it will happen, but it must be big. I must need this 'preparation' to give me the edge over someone else for something. 

I'm just incredibly glad that I can finally look at my whole life and be happy with the way it has turned out so far. Relieved that I can turn my back on my past and know that it is done with and there's nothing more to worry about. 

Unless you were me, you just don't know how good that feels. Now if you will excuse me, I just have to go and thank someone again for looking after me through all of it!

Good night all you gorgeous people! *mwah!*


NEW!! Pictures have been posted from the past weekend's revelries. More to come after some colour adjustments!

ALSO!! New Marzipan's Answering Machine

Sorry I haven't updated some of my previous articles like I promised at the time of their writing. I just haven't had the time lately. Too much work to be done and fun in Brisbane to be had. Ring or email me if you want more juicy details! Max and his trusty sidekick are still alive and well. And still causing trouble. They let the turtles out of the tank the other day and tried to feed them red cordial. Does anyone know the best way to get fish tank smell out of fabrics you can't machine wash?

on Mar 10, 2004
Whenever I think of Jesus on the cross as portrayed by the Passion of Christ, I realize that beating myself up is wrong. Life in Christ is such a wonderful gift, it is a sin to refuse it.
on Mar 11, 2004
I'm glad you had this profound revelation. The "Purpose" is awesome! IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU! haha, only dorks like us would get that.
