PARTII Saturday saw Dan and Isleeping in till 11, then finishing off his Bouldering Wall. It's not arock-climbing wall because you don't use ropes. It's all unassisted. We slappedon some 'home made' textured paint and knocked down a few Cold Ones. We washedup and jumped on the train to Youth Alive. I was under the impression that itwas on at Boondall Entertainment Centre. Lucky I rang Teegs before we leftCentral Station and found out it was at the Brisbane Convention Centre otherwiseI ...
I came to the fantastic realisation tonight that all of the stuff that has happened to me in the past, whether bad, not so bad, caused by me or not, isn't something I should not be ashamed of. In the end it all works together for good, builds my character and makes me who I am today. Just because I made some stupid choices back whenever doesn't mean I should punish myself for them every time I am reminded of them. I did stuff. I've been forgiven for stuff. I'm a changed man now and that's ...
I don't understand why I find it SOOO hard to be myself around people that I find fascinating. When I am myself, some people find me fascinating. It is very rare that any mutual fascination happens. If it does, sometimes it isn't long until I am acting weird again. I can't seem to help it. No matter how hard I try! This goes for males as well as females, but it usually is the females I have trouble with. Maybe it's because I find them to be wondrous and mysterious creatures and I can never ...
I'm broken! So much for having fun at Touch Footy tonight. On top of being massively tired still from the weekend and work today, I managed to make myself feel worse by taking an injury or two for the team tonight. I've been limping around on a sore ankle since last week at Touch when I twisted it at some stage in the game. I didn't give a care because I had also made my first try for the year, so it was well worth it! I didn't think I would be much good for running around tonight...
Well! I must say it was a bit of a mission getting through this weekend but Imade it through to here, the tail end of Sunday, safe and sound! Friday was pretty cruisy and, after the crappy time I had on Thursday, it wasvery welcome indeed. I worked on my car for a few hours doing some fiddlysanding things and getting things pretty much perfect for the final primer coat.The top coat of colour should be started this Thursday. I can't believehow much time we've spent on this car gett...
Wow... what a weird night. Come to think of it... a crazy day all round. It started off as such a nice day. It was cool outside for once. I didn't get woken up by an alarm or excessive heat and I was finally starting to feel human and alert again. It's been ages since i've had a great nights sleep. I woke up late and cleaned my room a bit. It doesn't look like a construction site anymore... just a little untidy. Some washing here, some breakfast there... cruisy. Then my Mum rings me at...
I was commenting on Friday to a blog by Teegstar and by the time I had finished what started out to be just a quick comment quickly ended up being about an entry's worth of random daily happenings... You can check out my excessively long comment HERE . I couldn't be bothered to write another blog, so if you have some unhealthy attachment to my online space and must read as much about me as possible.... then knock yourself out! Read me! I mean, go for it. Then seek professional he...
Thanks for taking the Nerd test! Your score is: 590 Your rating is: 89.85% Additional Scoring Information: You got an extra 400 points because you are actually running Linux right now. Your environment is: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i586; en-US; rv:0.9.6) Gecko/20011120 But, you already knew that. Some Famous Nerd Percentiles: (in a really annoying table) Subject Percentile Subject Percentile Dilbert 125% Bill Gates 100% Paul Allen 98.3% Carl Sagan 85% Calvin ...
I'm a bit peeved today about this country's judicial system. I often am surprised and angered to hear how someone got away almost scot-free for drink-driving while in control of a bus full of school children or that someone tripped and fell into a bus shelter and is charged with violent behaviour and damage to public property or some crap like that. The decisions some Judges make truly amazes me. But today I was plain ticked off! On the weekend, at Heaven Nightclub in Adelaide, five females ...
I've been a little pre-occupied lately... sorry about the lack of updates. Maybe you don't care, but Ialways do. I had projected targets I wanted to achieve, but I haven't quite madethose yet. I also promised you updates on the adventures of Max: The MadManiacal Monkey of Mayhem but he too has been a little on the quiet-side lately. I think it's because his best mate doesn't have a name and he's been deep in thought,toiling day and night to find one for him but is only coming up with heavy-met...
I think I know why old people get grumpier as they get older. It's probably a number of reasons, primarily it is a fear of change. They've been changingfor their whole younger lives and now that they're comfortable where they're at, and there's plenty of yard work/beerin fridge/sport on TV to be had so they don't have to spend all day talking to the wife, they are reluctant to adopt anything that might be a threat to their way of life. Andsecondly, now that they are old (mature) & somewhat...
Good morning, my pretties! Well, I felt like it, so I did. I didn't quite get to Chicken Tonight... butI did make a nice Thai Green Curry. This masterpiece was created using only thefinest ingredients, or what we had in the fridge. Freshly Cut! Mushrooms, ThinlySliced! Carrots, Ice Cold Beanaroonies!, Milk of One Coconut*, Twist-on-DemandSpring Water, a packet of concentrate and a chicken I caught myself, prepared andthinly sliced. As you can see, all top-shelf, choice quality, trademarked...
Greetings fellow JoeUsers. I’m still alive and well overhere. Haven't had much of a chance to update lately but I did finish telling youabout the other characters in the Strong Bad series. Check out the updatedarticle and the siteI’m going on about .. I have been pretty distracted, being that we’ve just hadour Australia Day long weekend, with some lovely new people I met at Sonfestearlier in the month. I mentioned that I saw a gig on Friday but I was a tootired for me to properly enj...
Went to this gig tonight. Worked late and missed Another Day Down for the second time in a week. Not happy Jan! Saw Phoenix Down, Half Way Out (groovy-styley), Short of the Mark and probably some other band as well. All I have to say about it all is... Wow. Why would it be any other way? and I wish I wasn't so sleep deprived and feeling braindead. I hope i'm not going to get siiiicck. :-/ "Why don't you try a PowerNapDeluxe! (tm)? They're new!" Ok. *GROAN*
Strong Bad!!! ur are a funy guy! I made a promise and now I'm delivering. An EXCLUSIVEEXPOSÉ that could quite possibly save... AWORLD in CRISIS ! Back in my pizza delivery days, when I used to spendalmost all my spare time on the internet or driving around in my car, I was sentthis Shockwave file from a friend over IRC ( InternetRelay Chat for those not in the know ) .It was called fhqwhgads.swf and I was met with a range of emotions from confusion and bewilde...